MIPv6 Trace Analysis Scripts


One interest area of the Digital Technology Group is handovers between different types of network using Mobile IPv6. Various people over the years have carried out this work using a live testbed, connected to the BT Exact IPv6 backbone, and also the Vodafone GPRS network. The testbed generates large tcpdump files, which require easy analysis.

For the paper Is Latency The Real Enemy in Next Generation Networks?, I developed a suite of tcpdump analysis tools which enabled us to easily parse the data and obtain useful graphs. Whilst these tools are highly specific to the format of the data, they may be of use to others.


All of these are written in the Perl scripting language. The code is commented sufficiently (and is simple enough!) that understanding it should be easy. The code is Copyright 2005 David Cottingham. You may re-use it as you wish, provided that it retains the copyright notice in the header of the code. The code is provided as is, without warranty of any kind, including (but not limited to) those of merchantability or fitness for purpose, and the the author disclaims as far as is possible all liability for any and all damages arising from their use. Download as a tar.gz file (4 KB)
