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Text Tags  

There are many different ways of making your web page's text and background look attractive, here's a list of them, showing the pairs and also those that don't come in pairs, and what they are used for:

Possible Values
<BODY> & </BODY>
(This can contain the following: BACKGROUND, TEXT, ALINK, LINK, VLINK, BGCOLOR)
BACKGROUND is an image filename, the rest are RGB triplets, explained below.
All HTML Documents must contain this tag. It specifies the main body of text. Between these two tags is where you type the main content of your page. ((in order) location of background image, text color, activated link colour, link colour, visited link colour, background color (instead of image)).
<BR> -
Carriage Return (New line)
<P ALIGN="x" ID="y"> & </P> x can be LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER. y can be any name you want for that paragraph to identify it (both optional)
To specify a new paragraph (automatically puts in a bigger space than a carriage return).
Centers anything between the two tags.
<Hnumber> & </Hnumber>
number can be from 1 to 6, 1 being the biggest.
Heading tags, for titles, etc.
<!--Comment --> -

Used for putting comments into your code, making it easier for someone else to tell what you're doing: invisible in browser.

<FONT COLOR="#RRGGBB" SIZE="n" FACE="f"> & </FONT> RRGGBB is a Hexadecimal triplet for a specific colour, n can be from -7 to +7, +7 being the biggest, and f can be any font name on your system, e.g. Times New Roman.
Used for making only a certain piece of text between the tags an RGB colour, size and/or font.

RGB triplets are bits of code specifying colours. This is done in the following way:
--- ="#RRGGBB"
--- represents any command that uses RGB Triplets, like the TEXT command in the BODY statement. An example of this would be:
RR is the amount of red in the colour in hexadecimal
GG is the amount of green in the colour in hexadecimal
BB is the amount of blue in the colour in hexadecimal
(Hexadecimal counts from 0 to 9, then A to F, then back to 0 again, so there are 16 different values each part of the RGB triplet can take. Compare this with the well known decimal system, which counts from 0 to 9, then back to 0).
Therefore, you can then experiment and find your own colours. Black is "#000000", White is "#FFFFFF", Dark Blue is "#0000FF", Light Blue is "#8080FF", Yellow is "#FFFF00", Red is "#FF0000", and so on. By changing the values of each part of the triplet, you can produce different colours. FF is the maximum amount of any colour, 00 is the minimum. Hence, if all the colours are at FF, (maximum intensity), white is produced. At minimum intensity (i.e. 00), black is produced. In between are all of the 16 to the power 6 colours.

O.K., Now you know how to make a basic HTML page.Time to show you an example:

<HEAD><TITLE>Iceman's Web Page</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY TEXT="#000000" ALINK="#FFFF00" VLINK="#8080FF" LINK="#0000FF" BACKGROUND="greyweave.gif">
<H1>This is a heading of size 1</H1><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#FFFF00"><H1>This is a heading of size 1 in a different colour (yellow) </H1></FONT><P ALIGN="RIGHT" ID="ice_verdanaHead">
<FONT SIZE=+2 FACE="Verdana">This is text of font size +2 and in the Verdana Font, Aligned on the Right</FONT></P>
<!-- This is a comment, it won't appear in the browser, but is useful when looking at source code. -->

Click to see the resulting Page...

Well, there you are. Now try out some of the things you've learnt in notepad and then preview in your browser by loading the file up from wherever you saved it.




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